Victor TONG, 童乐
Senior Partner
Victor TONG, arriving in France in 2004, made ten
years' study in France until Ph.D degree, majored
in International Development of French Small and Medium Enterprises (PME) in China Market in the Research Center on Modern and Contemporary
China (CECMC) of School for Advanced Studies in
Social Science (EHESS) in Paris.
With the expertise in his research field, he worked
as Business Development Manager & Consultant
in UBIFRANCE and French Chamber of Commerce
& Industry in China (CCIFC). He has implemented
business missions for about 80 French companies,
large or small, single or collective projects, in fields
of market research, commercial negotiation and
organizing large scale B2B meeting.
He could work in French and Chinese, and master
knowledge of communication in English. Currently,
he is based in Paris, France.