Martin SHAO, 邵帅
Project Assistant
Martin SHAO, accomplished his study in Bachelor's
in Economy and French in Xiamen University China.
Since year 2011, he has devoted in fields of market
research, international commercial negotiation and
business development in China and France.
He built up connection with UBIFRANCE and French Chamber of Commerce & Industry in China (CCIFC)
when working as Project Manager in year 2012-2013.
He participated in the project of promotion for French
Village in Chongqing to about 30 companies (such
as Sephora, Fragonard) and consulates in Chengdu
of several countries.
In addition to the above experience, he could do also
language translation at professional level, oral and
writing. He has translated more than 100,000 words
in French, English and Chinese.
He is currently based in Chongqing, China.